Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4 months

So here are the girls. They are enjoying each other. they giggle back and forth which is great to be apart of. Annie thinks it's funny when Ellie holds on to things. Like the produce bag at the grocery store. But it is not funny when Ellie gets Annie's hair. I will find Ellie with a fist full of hair---YIKES!! Ellie's eyes are wide open all the time, not just in pics. She just stares at people. It is pretty funny. We will be starting cereal soon. Nursing has become challenging, she bites, pinches, kicks, pull hair all at the same time. Ellie's hair is lighter and straighter than Annie's. This is not a good pic for that. But we are seeing their differences more and more.


Anonymous said...

your girls are gorgeous. love the updates, we miss you. the other day ethan asked if he could go to k-state w/ annabelle, a k-state football game.

Anonymous said...


Carol, Genny, Lucy, and Oliver said...