Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My trek through the Amazon Rainforrest

So yesterday it rained we got 2 1/2 inches our raingauge says. To preface this story I just got done reading Anne of Avonlea. I am always looking for a good book. I have read some old classics like this one and Little House on the Prarie. Now Anne of Avonlea has no plot it is just little chapters on what is going on in Avonlea. It is only half way like the movie. But what I loved was the renweal of Anne's imagination and the way that she make things better than they really are.
After sitting in class for 4 hours we were dismissed and it was pouring rain. Luckily I have my rain coat, but I need to get from good old Bluemont to Vattier, where I parked. I had the best time! I like Anne, pretened I was in the Amazon Rainforrest. I had taken off my flip flops and was splashing through puddles higher than my ankles. Came home and jumped into my sweatpants and enjoyed dinner made by Luke.

PS- I should have been with Julie and her kiddos she was babysitting!

Any good book recommendations I prefer to escape rather than think in my books.


Anonymous said...

Stac, Ethan would have loved splashing with you. You should read The Blue Castle also by L.M. Montgomery. I'll loan you my copy next time I see you.

Unknown said...

love it. that's so you. can't wait to play tomorrow.

betsyann said...

Hi Stacy! Do you remember me? I found you through Michele. As an Anne fanatic--I must recommend that you read all of her books. The Anne story goes on for 8 books. And then there's Jane of Lantern Hill, which is sweet, and three Emily books, and...and... I could go on and on. Just look up L.M. Montgomery at the Library and read them all.